Friday, May 10, 2013

Suggestion: This desk should be higher off the ground! (desk in copy room where stapler, pencil sharpener paper clips etc. are located)

Response: Thank you for the suggestion regarding the height of the supplies desk in the copy room. While the desk is at somewhat of a lower height that some may be used to, we are unable to raise the height. The reason for this is that we want to make sure that all of our students are able to access these materials. If we were to raise the height of the desk it might mean, for example, that someone in a wheelchair might not be able to access all of the supplies we have provided for student use. Because we want to make sure all of our students have access to these items we will leave the table/desk at the current height. Thank you for the suggestion.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Library Closing time?


On a Sunday when the hours are until 9:30pm my suggestion would be to actually stay open until that time NOT to lock the doors at 9:10pm...and not open them when a student who needs to print something is banging on the door!!! I pay tuition to go here and expect the libraries hours to be posted correctly.
Locked out and pissed off


I need more information to investigate this further:
  • Which Sunday was this?
  • Which set of doors did you knock on? There are two sets of 4 glass doors:
    • from the sidewalk into the elevator lobby of the library building-on weekends, only 1 of the outer doors is unlocked - it unlocks automatically at the hour set in a computer program. The library personnel do not have any control over this lock.
    • from the elevator lobby into the library itself. The second set of doors into the library is manually locked by library staff.
  • Did you actually see someone in the library at the time?
I checked with the crew for last Sunday night, and they did not close early. The staff did not hear anyone pounding on a door, either. Since this complaint was dropped into our suggestion box the week following spring break, I can imagine several scenarios.
  • If you were here on the Sunday March 10, this was a holiday and the library was closed. The library calendar under the hours sign (and on the website) indicates that we would be closed on this date.
  • If you were here on Sunday March 17, we were open until 9:30 (actually the staff did not lock up until closer to 9:40, as they were working on a display). However, this was our first open date after Daylight Savings Time started, and I remember once several years ago when the computer handling the electronic (outer) door did not automatically reset to DST on that first day.
  • Could it be possible that your watch or phone was still on standard time? 9:10pm on CST is 10:10pm on DST.
If you want to provide more information, please email with a subject heading "early closing complaint."